$Id$ Release 0.9 This directory contains some tools for manipulating lrs/cdd ine files. At the moment there is countrows replace the ****** in lrs output with the number of rows float2rat convert floating point to rationals. Here the conversion is exact, but not very clever, so the numerator and denominator may be very large. Current version of lrs can handle it, at least the gmp version. rat2canon put the inequalities/vectors in a canonical form This one only compiles with multiprecision support rat2int convert all rows to integer. This makes more sense for inequalities. Multiprecision only rat2float convert to floating point. Note that this necessarily loses precision. Also, It assumes the numerator and denominator are both long integers, unless compiled with multiprecision support. NEWS Release 0.7: All utilities take optional parameters for input file and output file. I have more code around for, e.g. centering points around the origin and other simple tasks that I would be willing to shake the dust off of if there is interest. This code is released under the Gnu GPL. See COPYING. 1) to build with multiprecision support (recommended): edit the Makefile to point to your lrslib source directory, type make. 2) to build without multiprecision support comment out the line CPPFLAGS+= -DLRSMP type make. Some things will not compile. David Bremner bremner@unb.ca